Sunny’s cere

The other day I noticed that Sunny’s cere was changing color.

cere1cere2cere3It took about three days to go from brown (breeding condition) to a light blue.

Sunny also came out of her cage. She flew back and forth from the top of her cage to my bookshelf. It took me 15 minutes to get her back in her cage. She’ll step up on my finger, but won’t stay on for long. Guess we still have more work to do!


Moving Day

move1Recently, Ozzie packed up all of his belongings and moved in with Cooper and Dewey.

move2 The three are getting along well. Ozzie is very popular. If he’s not hanging out with Cooper, he’s hanging out with Dewey. He’s rarely off on his own.

move3There has been the occasional squabble, but the budgies are doing a great job sharing their food/toys/perches. Cooper seems to have first dibs on everything, though. Hopefully, Sunny will have an easy move as well.

napMoving can be exhausting…

A Trip to the Vet

Yesterday Cooper, Dewey and Ozzie went to the Vet! Dewey went to have his leg band closed up (it was open and catching on toys) and his Fu Manchu nails trimmed. Because Ozzie was a rescue bird from the animal shelter, he was eligible for a free exam. Cooper just went along for the ride.

waitingroomHere they are in their travel cage in the waiting room.

bathCooper decided to take a bath in the water dish. What a nut.

examIn the examination room. The little basket Ozzie is in is the scale.  The budgies looked so tiny when the doctor examined them. He even listened to their hearts with a stethoscope – it was too cute.

deweyHere is Dewey looking very dapper with his closed band and trimmed nails. The budgies were very brave and did a great job – so they were all rewarded with millet when they got home (Sunny, too!).