Cooper’s Book Report

This month’s book is Henny the Parakeet by Annette M. Spector, in collaboration with David E. Greenberg.

Henny the parakeet is the best birthday present an 8 year old can ask for. He learns to talk, eats dinner with his family and is very popular in his apartment building. Henny even goes to school to take part in Show in Tell.
But one day, Henny accidentally flies out a window. His family is devastated and searches for him every day – even offering a reward. Will Henny make his way home to his worried family?

Cooper loved that Henny’s family treasured him and knew what a special budgie he was. She thought the message, “Never give up hope” is an important one. Especially when it comes to lost or sick pets. Cooper loves a happy ending and was so happy that Henny was found and reunited with his loving family.