Cooper’s Book Report

pp1This month’s book is Parakeet Peter by Rebecca K. Sprinkle (illustrated by Dorothy Grider).

pp2 Timmy is given a parakeet by his Aunt Susan (coolest Aunt ever). He names the little blue budgie Peter and learns how to take care of him. Peter loves to play with his toys, take baths and fly about the house. Timmy hopes to teach Peter how to say, “Happy birthday!”. After weeks of no success, Peter finally does say “Happy birthday!”. And he says it on Timmy’s actual birthday – because budgies are awesome that way.

Cooper enjoyed this book. Her favorite part was when Peter would push his ball off the table for Timmy to pick up over and over again. She was a little concerned that the family would let Peter fly free around lit candles, though. Overall, Cooper thought the story and illustrations were charming and would recommend Parakeet Peter to all her friends.