Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Benji!11173685_10207108515010175_1822490889_nBenji lives in California with Maevonne.11178544_10207108512810120_1304157257_nBenji is a male budgie, about 2.5 years old. He is pretty mellow, loves the camera, chirps and sings, and talks. Benji has a human flock and is very spoiled and sweet. This “Budgie Extraordinaire” even has his own facebook page and YouTube channel!11178449_10207108513730143_551844362_nBenji’s interests include: tossing wiffle balls and bells off his cagetop, nibbling on ropes and strings, trying to climb into the laptop and TV screens, watching and chirping along to basketball games and running water, taking naps with Mom – snoozing all tucked in under her chin, running away when it’s bath time, pole dancing, harassing Perry the Plastic Budgie and eating millet.11118107_10207108515490187_1923121731_nBenji in action:

12 thoughts on “Cooper’s Cuties

  1. Thank you from me and Benji for featuring him in your Cooper’s Cuties series!! Both of us are big time Cooper fans, so this was a real honor for him. 😀

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