Feathers and Fireworks

Tomorrow is the 4th, and fireworks can be scary for pet birds.

Here are some tips for keeping your feathered friend calm when fireworks are going off.

* If possible, move your bird to a quiet room. Or move the cage away from windows.

* Play quiet, soothing music.

* Keep your bird company and model a calm demeanor to help your bird relax.

* Give your bird treats. Cooper would say, “Preferably millet.”

Cooper and her Flock

Cooper with her budgie flock.
We decided to bring Dewey home as a companion for Cooper, and then we adopted Ozzie, and then Sunny, Emmy, Alfie, Gordie, Lera, Felix, Harvey and Riley. If it weren’t for Cooper, we would have never had these sweet, funny, feisty little budgies in our lives.

Cooper and Dewey

Cooper and Ozzie

Cooper and Sunny

Cooper and Alfie

Cooper and Emmy

Cooper and Gordie (and Ozzie). Gordie is in the back.

Cooper and Felix

Cooper and Harvey

Cooper and Riley

The flock.

And we can’t forget Sido.

Cooper and Dewey and Michelle

Baby Cooper and Harry