Spread the word!

adoptCooper is taking the day off from taking the day off to ask for help in spreading the word about pet adoption. If you would like to help, please post #NubsSaysAdopt to your Facebook page between 4-9pm CST today.

10410578_10205548739902790_3245567874575226854_nThank you from our little rescue birds Ozzie, Sunny, Alfie, Emmy, Lera, Felix, Harvey (and Gordie).


And so does Cooper!coopandnubsCoopers friend, Nubs is spreading the message to not purchase pets this holiday season, but to adopt instead. There are many wonderful cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, etc. who would love to find their forever home. If you are considering adding to your family, please check with your local animal shelter, rescue organization or Craigslist first.

Seven of our eight budgies are adopted, and each one is a treasure.

If you would like to spread the message, please post #NubsSaysAdopt to your Facebook page between 4-9pm CST tomorrow (Sunday, November 30).

Nubs: “If enough people post within this time frame, it will make us a trending story on Facebook, which has the potential of reaching millions of FB followers instantaneously. Thank you for your help!”

The Perch

Last month we visited family in Arizona. While there, we went to The Perch Pub and Brewery in Chandler. Besides serving food and having 30 beers on tap (Harry loves beer), The Perch houses over 50 rescue birds on their grounds.

The lovebirdslovebirdsI fell in love with this Indian Ringneck Parakeet.irThis Blue and Gold Macaw wants out!macawSome beer for Harry…beerAnd on to the budgies!budgiesbudgies2Budgie and canarybfinchBudgies, cockatiel and dovebfdcThis looks like the work of a naughty budgie…naughtyWe enjoyed our time at The Perch. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend that you  stop by for a brew and say, “Hello” to the birds!warningBut make sure to keep an eye on your kids.

Cooper’s Book Report

This month’s book is Pet Parrots Up Close by Cooper’s friend, Karon Dubke!1If you want to see some gorgeous photos while learning about parrots, then Pet Parrots Up Close is the book for you! This book is aimed at younger readers. Each page has a description and close-up photo of parrot anatomy (tails, eyes, beaks, etc.). 2Cooper’s favorite parts of the book were the photos of her budgie friends Bert and Ernie. So handsome! She loved how colorful and detailed the photographs were. As a former preschool teacher, I loved how informative this book was. The large photos make it perfect for circle time or for children to pour over on their own. Cooper and and the flock give this book 5 stars!

*Cooper is hoping for a follow-up book: All About Budgies!