This month’s book is Fireman Sam by Rob Lee.

Norman is visiting Trevor to see his new budgie, Busby. They are so busy playing with Busby that they don’t notice Rosa the cat wander in through an open door. But Busby does, and off he flies through the door.
Norman hops on his skateboard to search for the little green parakeet. Meanwhile, at the fire station, Firefighter Penny and Fireman Sam are practicing for the car cutting competition.
Norman has managed to get himself into trouble trying to capture Busby at the scrapyard. He has slipped and trapped himself under a pipe.
Will Norman be saved? Will Busby find his way home?

Cooper loves happy endings. Busby was very clever leading the firefighters to Norman, who were able to cut Sam free and reunite Busby with Trevor.
Cooper thought this was a cute little story. The illustrations (by The County Studio) were fun and colorful.
She thinks that the book should be renamed Fireman Busby, because Busby is the one who saved that day.