This month’s book is Broadway Bird by Alex Timbers (illustrated by Alisa Coburn).

Little Louisa is a green budgie who has big dreams of becoming a performer. But her audition leads to laughter – she is told she is too tiny to make it big on Broadway. Is she destined to be a “basic city bird” like her pigeon friend, Sal?
Will Louisa give up her dream, or will the advice of a former dancing flamingo encourage her to try again?

Cooper absolutely loved this book. The illustrations are humorous and beautifully detailed – from the rooms in the pigeon’s house to Iguana Menzel’s buggy bon bons. The book is filled with fun animal references to Broadway shows and actors. Cooper was inspired by the book’s message that we are perfect as we are, and we should work hard to achieve our goals. She was happy that Louise never gave up and ended up fulfilling her dream (and inspires others to do so as well).

Author Alex Timbers has three budgies at home (one is pictured in the author’s note). Cooper thinks he and Alisa Coburn did a wonderful job showcasing the tiny budgie in a big way.