Calendar Boy

I entered Ozzie in the San Diego Humane Society “Make Your Pet a Pin-Up” contest. We adopted Ozzie from the animal shelter in October 2012, so he would be a perfect candidate for their calendar!

ozsubmissionFeel free to vote for Ozzie (so far, he is the only budgie entry – Ozzie represents!). Each vote is $1. Donations will be supporting vital programs and services including the receiving and adoption of animals, education programs, humane law enforcement, Pet-Assisted Therapy in hospitals and health care facilities, and more.

Link to vote for Ozzie:

If you would rather not participate, wish Ozzie luck!

Caught in the Act

This had been happening recently:

spillOne of the budgies was knocking the seed cups down, spilling perfectly good seed on the bottom of the cage. We suspected Dewey. Though mild-mannered, he has been known to knock around the food cup when it has too many pellets (and not enough oats) in it. But to be sure, we set up the CooperCam to see who the culprit was. We later fast forwarded through three hours of footage and saw this:

badbudgieIt was Sunny! This little one definitely has a naughty streak.

harryHarry got to work and budgie-proofed the seed cups.

haYour move, budgies.