Cooper’s bloopers – July

We don’t always get the budgies’ photo right on the first shot*. Here are some pics that didn’t make the cut.

DSC09207Looks like Cooper isn’t a big fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd…

DSC09233DSC09322DSC09350DSC09460DSC09476* Due to the photographer and through no fault of the models, of course.

Cooper’s Compadres

Meet Hagrid!

hagrid1Hagrid is a sun conure.

7149441_origHagrid’s hatch day was February 22, 2013. He enjoys bathing and likes to play with the water at the bottom of the shower.

hagrid3He has several favorite toys. Anything that is not tied down, lol. He really likes homemade toys (Like used paper towel rolls).