We don’t always get Cooper’s photos right on the first shot*. Here are some pics that didn’t make the cut.

* Due to the photographer and through no fault of the model, of course.
Look at this adorable little crocheted Cooper, gifted to us from Cooper’s friend Susan.
Looks like double trouble to me!
Made by Ukrainian artist, TNGiftsUA.
Thank you so much Susan!
Months ago we noticed Felix was panting and tail bobbing, he also had a slight bulge in his abdomen. We took him into our avian vet who checked him over and withdrew some fluid from his abdomen. He was prescribed with a diuretic to help with any fluid buildup.
Unfortunately, the bulge returned. Felix has had more visits to the vet since, and was diagnosed as having a tumor (most likely testicular).
Over the past month the bulge has gotten even larger and our vet was unable to withdraw much fluid.
Felix is still eating, drinking and playing. He doesn’t come out of the cage as much as he used to and has taken to sleeping on his platform perch. We’re spoiling him with lots of kisses (he is more accepting of them), millet, balsa and attention.
Here is Felix out and about and giving us all a smile.