Remembering Emmy

This year, in honor of our “rainbow” budgies, I decided to share videos of them. Today would have been Emmy’s hatchday.

We found Emmy on Craigslist in November of 2013.The people who were rehoming her had bought her as a pet for their toddler. She still had her baby bars and was terrified of us. It took months for her to start to trust us. Emmy was a bundle of energy and very playful. Maybe too playful for the other budgies. Ozzie was the only budgie who would put up with her shenanigans, and eventually they became tweethearts.
Emmy loved being with the other budgies. She always wanted to be in the thick of things.
She was a messy eater and often had a face full of mash. She would sometimes nap with her little bum up in the air. She was an adorable little dumpling.

Emmy was our “big baby”. We think she had some English budgie in her, as she was larger than the rest of the flock. She was a beauty, too. And so soft – she had the fluffiest feathers.
I loved kissing her whipped cream belly. And she smelled divine. We are so lucky we found her. If you are thinking of adding a budgie to your family, please consider adopting.

Remembering Lera

I like to celebrate our “rainbow” budgies on what would have been their hatchdays. Today would have been Lera’s. This year I decided to make videos to look back on our happy memories.

Feisty, curious and adorable. That was our little Lera.
We found Lera on Craigslist in 2014. Her owner was going off to college, and the family was looking for someone to adopt her.
After her quarantine, she joined the flock, and wasted no time showing everybudgie who was boss.
Lera loved baths, toys, cauliflower and getting into everything.
Unfortunately, Lera had issues with her health. She had to have regular beak trims, and in her later years with us, would visit our avian vet occasionally to have fluid withdrawn from her abdomen. None of this slowed her down in any way.
Lera was doted on by Gordie, then later Harvey and Felix. And of course, her humans. Lera packed a lot of personality into a tiny body and we loved her very much – we were so lucky to have found her.
If you are looking to add a budgie to your family, please consider adopting. There are some amazing little budgies out there who need a happily ever after.

Remembering Dewey

I like to share memories of our “rainbow” budgies on what would have been their hatchdays.
This year I decided to share videos.

Today we are thinking of our darling Dewey on what would have been his hatchday.
Dewey was our second budgie. We brought him home to be a companion for Cooper. He was just a baby, and an awkward baby at that. It didn’t take long for him to win our hearts.
Dewey grew into a striking fellow. He was best buddies with Ozzie, and soon became the flock leader.

Dewey enjoyed his oats and would “bliss out” eating them. He liked to make confetti out of carrots, and play with his mirrored dice. He was an amazing flier – quick and acrobatic. What Dewey loved most though, was Sunny. He fell head over heels for her at first sight. He was a devoted boyfriend and was always at her side.

Dewey was such a wonderful little budgie. He was very gentle and a friend to all. Though he left us in 2014, we still miss his presence. He was a sweet, handsome fellow who left us with many happy memories.

Budgie Animation

Carmen Avis by Tales of Alethrion.

“Carmen Avis is an animated short film made in Skjald in collaboration with the music duo Ventus who has won several music competitions around the world. The project started in the very beginning of Skjald as an experiment where animation and dance performance meets live orchestra. It was an amazing journey and we learned a lot from working closely with a professional flute duo, modern dancer, orchestral composer, animation team, live action camera and a monstrous greenscreen. The film was part of the debut concert of the musicians where they played live while it played on a big screen.”

“The story: The musicians of this film and I had a friend with a rare stomach disease when we were kids. This disease made it difficult for him to play with other children and he spend a lot of time in the hospital. He passed away too soon and we made this little film dedicated to him about a bird that can’t fly.”