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This year we lost a dear friend, Frances Sondra Appleby. Sondra had a love for budgies and often commented on Cooper’s posts throughout the years (as Sondra, Ollie, SPBudgie, and/or SweetPea Budgie). She always had lovely things to say about the flock and was there to celebrate the good times and to offer support during the bad. Today would have been her 67th birthday. Even though we never met in person, we miss her dearly.
Here she is with her darling budgie, Sweet Pea, and with our budgies Alfie, Dewey, Gordie and Lera. I hope they are all together in paradise – happy and at peace.

Holiday Haul

The flock had a wonderful holiday season, filled with treats and toys. Cooper and company would like to thank their friends for sending them gifts.

Ryan gave the budgies a boing. Here is Sunny sitting pretty. Thank you Ryan!

Kelle and John gave the budgies this cool winter wonderland toy. It has all sorts of fun things to play with/nibble on. Here is Ozzie giving a quick pose between nibbles. Thank you Kelle and John!

Adam, Drazen and Jack sent the flock a giftcard to Petco! Here is Cooper wondering why we haven’t gone to Petco yet. We will make sure to get them some of their favorite toys (marsmallows, definitely). Thank you Adam, Drazen and Jack!

And here is a photo of Sido playing with her new footie toys.

Harry, the birds and I are so lucky to have such wonderful friends (human and feathered). We hope you all had a beautiful holiday season. Thanks and love to you all!