We don’t always get Cooper’s photos right on the first shot*. Here are some pics that didn’t make the cut. Only two this month – Cooper has become quite the professional model.* Due to the photographer and through no fault of the model, of course.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
These metal budgie wall hangings form Earth de fleur Home Wares.These little blue budgies would look great on our patio wall.
A little flock.
Too bad they don’t ship to the United States.
Cooper’s Day Off
Cooper’s Book Report
This month’s book is Remy: A Little Bird with a Big Imagination by Kristin Ludwig.Remy is an adorable Pacific Parrotlet who lives in the House of Nubs. Remy was abandoned at the veterinarian’s office. The vet saved his life and found him a new home with The Lady with the Ponytail (Kristin Ludwig), new friend Hoot, Nubs and the rest of the flock. Despite having lost the toes on one foot, Remy is a brave bird with a wonderful imagination. In the book he wonders what the big world is like.
Cooper highly recommends this book. She thought Remy was courageous and enjoyed seeing his many adventures. The photos (by Kelly Andre) were wonderful and the featured artwork was striking. Most of all, Cooper loved Remy’s sweet and optimistic spirit. She thinks that everyone could benefit by having such an outlook on life.
If you would like to read more about Remy and the flock you can do so at The House of Nubs.
Toy Time!
Here’s silly Sunny “playing” with her toys.
New Toy – September
It’s the Mini Activity Wall from Super Bird Creations! I like that I can hook on whatever toys I want. I have a lot of leftover parts from old toys that I can clip on it.
Here’s a pic of Sunny not playing with it.
And one of Alfie and Ozzie, who won’t go near it.
Cooper gives her review.
I’m hoping the budgies will work up their courage enough to investigate. Maybe hooking on some marshmallows (birdie kabobs) or millet will entice them. Sigh.
Bedtime Budgie
First Day of Autumn
Cooper’s Crafts
Wooden budgies!
SusanaCaban on Etsy.Budgie pendants by BarkerWild on Etsy.
Budgie necklace by JettasNest on Etsy.
Wooden budgie brooches by EachToOwn.
Hand carved budgies by jjstudio.
Budge the budgie from An Angel at My Table.
Will Kirkpatrick’s Pine Parakeets.