Budgie Décor – Vases! Part 2

For those May flowers… (Part 1 here)

scattyartist on Etsy

Jem Art on Antiques Atlas

Lorraine Coyle on Wildlife Wonders

Wiener Werkstatte (kind of a cross between a budgie and a cockatiel…)ultram withdrawal

benefits of phentermine bud vase on Worth Point

229 Ceramics on Not On the High Street

Marcel Goupy on Doyle

Budgie Décor – Candles!

Budgie candle sticks to light up a cold winter night.

Fitz and FloydfandffitzandfoydPorcelain and bronze candle holdersporceleinbronzecandle bronze LladrólladroP-worksPworksbudgie

And some budgie candles that are too cute to burn.

Found on Rakuten.3gou_sakuragochi01Naomi Candlenaomicandle                                                                           ?candlestoyomitamaki?1d667eb9196c3bcdbdd835fd7460a4e4Tinkertinker

Budgie Décor – Bathroom Budgies!

Shower curtain – Budgie Gallery Giftshop by Fjærdrakt.budgiegallerygiftshop Fjærdrakt                                                        Mirror by Lladró.mirror                        Soap dispenser and toothbrush holder – petopet at Zazzle.zazz                                                   Towels by Pottery Barn.pbarntowel                                              Soap – wizardatwork at Etsy. wizardatwork                                  Toilet seat cover by White Lake Antiques.wlart