Odds and Ends

I didn’t have time to work on a post for today, so here’s a little video of Sunny (kind of) playing with the rings. She was weaving in and out of them until she saw the camera…

And here’s a photo of the flock. Ozzie and Felix are jockeying for position. Emmy kept hiding behind the play gym. Harvey wouldn’t face the camera and Alfie was falling asleep. This was the best we could do. Hopefully one day I’ll get a nice, clear shot of them all together. 

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Aussie, Chip (Chipper) and Oliver!

These three are second generation cuties! Mom and Dad are Peri Blue and Oscar. The little family lives with Susan in North Carolina.

Offspring with proud papa, Oscar. And below mommy Peri Blue keeps the babies in line.

Aussie is blue, Chip is yellow and Oliver is green.

These three like to argue and boss each other and their parents. They are in the large flight cage and they are on the move all day long. Each bird left the nest box flying and are all 3 excellent flyers. Aussie was the last to come out of the box. It took Peri Blue and Oscar 3 days of screaming at her to finally get her to come out. They just came out knowing exactly what to do.

Now that they are all together they seem really happy. They eat lots of veggies, seeds, and pellets. They love bath time and visiting Pete the cockatiel – and driving him crazy. But I think he likes the attention. If I am spending too much time with their cage he will fly over for a visit (and get his feet bitten for his efforts.

When they are out flying around, all I have to do is put on their night music and turn down the lights and they all go right in the cage and get on their swings. THANK GOODNESS!


Cooper decided that once a month she wants to feature those who rescue, shelter or are active in the conservation of her feathered friends. This month she would like to promote Best Friends Animal Society.

Best Friends (with locations in California, New York, Atlanta and Utah) operates pet adoption centers, spay/neuter clinics and no-kill initiatives as well as a No More Homeless Pets Network of animal rescue groups in every corner of the nation.

There are all sorts of animals available for adoption, including cats, dogs, horses, turtles, rabbits, pigs and, of course, birds. There are currently 83 birds available for adoption at the Kanab, Utah Sanctuary (including the cockatiels pictured above).

If you would like to help. you can donate, sponsor an animal or even help through shopping on Amazon Smile. The site also has stories of animals like Mitch the cockatiel, who found his forever home (along with 3 other cockatiels and 7 budgies).

Spring has Sprung

And the boys are all a-twitter.

Alfie and Harvey – let us in!

Ozzie and Felix would like some female companionship.

We keep the divider in to keep the boys from the girls (we don’t want any more egg drama), but we do let them all out together – with supervision.

Ozzie and Emmy:

Ozzy and Sunny are also a couple, but Sunny has recently allowed Harvey to woo her – Ozzie is not sure what to make of this new development.

Harvey is also Cooper’s beau… And Cooper and Felix are sometimes an item. Such a soap opera!

And the cheese stands alone. Alfie is single and ready to mingle if there are any takers out there. He is a great catch!