Our friends Kelle and John recently made a trip to San Diego, and they brought all sorts of toys for the flock.
Sido wasn’t sure about the straw toy at first…
Getting closer…She finally got close enough to test it out. Cooper couldn’t wait until Sido was out of her cage to play with it.
Ozzie found his happy place.Sunny with the broom toy.
Ozzie with pineapple.
Harvey with the jangly bell toy. This will be fun to sing to (He usually sings to the perch caps).
Emmy with the balsa wood toy (which was very popular).And everybirdies’ favorite – marshmallows! I usually split them up so that they can share (ha ha) more easily. Sunny says, “Back off”.
Felix likes the marshmallows, the camera – not so much.Ozzie being photogenic.Of course, the toys were a big hit with the birds. As Cooper says, “You can never have too many toys”. Many thanks to Kelle and John for being such wonderful friends to both us and the flock. We love you! XOXO