Bird Toy Bonanza!

LOTS of photos. Because Cooper’s friend Shivangi sent the flock LOTS of toys. These spoiled birds have been having so much fun playing with all their gifts that it was difficult to get photos that weren’t big blurs of motion. It’s hard to pose when you’re in destructo mode!

This is COOPER’S platform perch. Stay off if you are not COOPER.
Before the destruction.
Millets! Cooper actually went for the “whipped cream” first.
Sweet Sunny before destructo mode.
Emmy makes her claim.
A new toy for Riley to be smiley about.
Felix striking a pose.
ultram oral tablet
Ozzie bein’ cute.
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Sido takes time out from nibbling to pose.

Shivangi – thank you so, so much for all the wonderful gifts! The flock sends you love and birdie kisses. xoxo

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Our friends Kelle and John recently made a trip to San Diego, and they brought all sorts of toys for the flock.

Sido wasn’t sure about the straw toy at first…

Getting closer…She finally got close enough to test it out. Cooper couldn’t wait until Sido was out of her cage to play with it.

Ozzie found his happy place.Sunny with the broom toy.

Ozzie with pineapple.

Harvey with the jangly bell toy. This will be fun to sing to (He usually sings to the perch caps).

Emmy with the balsa wood toy (which was very popular).And everybirdies’ favorite – marshmallows! I usually split them up so that they can share (ha ha) more easily. Sunny says, “Back off”.

Felix likes the marshmallows, the camera – not so much.Ozzie being photogenic.Of course, the toys were a big hit with the birds. As Cooper says, “You can never have too many toys”. Many thanks to Kelle and John for being such wonderful friends to both us and the flock. We love you! XOXO

The Christmas Haul

The budgies received some wonderful gifts from their friends.

From Kelle and John, some Christmassy shreddables. Here’s Sido having fun.

And here’s Ozzie representing the budgies.

They also gave the budgies a huge bag of millet. Felix and the budgies say, “Thanks Kelle and John!”

From Adam and Drazen – a gift card from PetSmart. We used it to buy the budgies’ favorite toy – marshmallows! We usually split them up so the girls each get “their own”. Thanks Adam and Drazen!
*Emmy still doesn’t like the camera.

Sunny right before she attacked her marshmallows.

From their Uncle Polt, the birds got a cuttlebone and delicious treat sticks. Here is Cooper nomming away. Thank you Uncle Polt!

Odds and Ends

I didn’t have time to work on a post for today, so here’s a little video of Sunny (kind of) playing with the rings. She was weaving in and out of them until she saw the camera…

And here’s a photo of the flock. Ozzie and Felix are jockeying for position. Emmy kept hiding behind the play gym. Harvey wouldn’t face the camera and Alfie was falling asleep. This was the best we could do. Hopefully one day I’ll get a nice, clear shot of them all together. 

More Presents!

The budgies got some fun toys for Christmas. Sorry about the poor quality of the photos. The budgies were in constant action and I took them in the evening (I don’t like to use the flash).ozHere is Ozzie (who is moulting – again) next to the “starburst”. This toy was a definite hit.dewDewey seeing what all the fuss is about.coopCooper hard at work untying the knots.toyNo one would go near this toy – but I’m sure once they figure out it won’t eat them, it will provide lots of fun.sunSunny claiming the “marshmallows”. When she’s busy elsewhere, the other budgies sneak in a nibble.milletThere was feasting on millet and lettuce as well.sp3I had a gift to open, too! These little budgie salt and pepper shakers were from my friend, Craig. They’re so darn cute (almost as cute as the real thing) – thank you Craig!

Cooper’s Favorite Things

f2Footie toys! This is (was) the “Star Munch” from Super Bird Creations. Cooper loves to nibble on it and drag it around. It’s also fun to drop over the side of a table/shelf and take away from Dewey if he’s playing with it.

f1So I bought two for the budgies, so they could each play with one. But whichever one Dewey is playing with is the one Cooper wants. Sigh.