It’s the Mini Activity Wall from Super Bird Creations! I like that I can hook on whatever toys I want. I have a lot of leftover parts from old toys that I can clip on it.
Here’s a pic of Sunny not playing with it.
And one of Alfie and Ozzie, who won’t go near it.
Cooper gives her review.
I’m hoping the budgies will work up their courage enough to investigate. Maybe hooking on some marshmallows (birdie kabobs) or millet will entice them. Sigh.
Sunny: “Is it behind me? It’s behind me, isn’t it? Oh god. Is it moving? I’m sure it moved. Is it still behind me? Crap.”
Ha! Exactly!
Yup !
If I was a budgie I would be terrified !
That thing looks like its gonna fall on me!!! Yikes!!!!
BWAHAHAHA!!! I saw it and thought, “Man that’s awesome! They’re gonna LOVE that thing!” And then saw the other pics and literally laughed out loud in my office. 🙂
Even Sunny doesn’t want to try shredding it??
Nope. Maybe if I attach her favorite shredding toy to it..
When I removed it from the cage last night, Alfie was startled, let out a shriek and flew to the other side of the cage. This alarmed the other birds and they also flew to the side of the cage. Great.
Haha!!! You should have alerted them of your presence o giant one! = )
Ha Ha! What Polt said!…
If I was a budgie I would be terrified !
That thing looks like its gonna fall on me!!! Yikes!!!!
Which one is the bravest of the flock? Yeah, millet will probably do the trick.
Cooper is definitely the bravest. Must come from all those photo shoots. Lera is very curious. Alfie is the bravest about flying to my hand to check something out (it might be food).
Cooper the brave!
Sometimes she reminds me of a cat
Me too!
I think it LOOKS really awesome, but then I don’t have a very good record for identifying good bird toys :/