Tag Archives: Cooper’s monthly meme
white bar xanax
Cooper’s monthly meme
Damn, Felix.Back at it again with the white feathers.
From the Damn, Daniel meme.
Here is Felix looking fine on YouTube. Daaaamn.
Cooper’s monthly meme
Inspired by the Be Like Bill meme.Part 2:
Uh oh.
Cooper’s monthly meme
Ozzie in the #Straight Outta meme. You can make your own here.
Cooper’s Monthly Meme
The Jurassic World raptor squad has become a meme. Even zoo keepers are getting into the act. But budgies do it best.RAAAWR!
Cooper’s Monthly Meme
Cooper’s Monthly Meme – November
Dirds! Birds with dog heads and dogs with bird heads.
Cooper’s Monthly Meme – August
Chicks with Steve Buscemeyes: http://chickswithstevebuscemeyes.tumblr.com/
Cooper’s Monthly Meme – June
Dog Budgie Shaming: http://www.dogshaming.com/