The Perch

Last month we visited family in Arizona. While there, we went to The Perch Pub and Brewery in Chandler. Besides serving food and having 30 beers on tap (Harry loves beer), The Perch houses over 50 rescue birds on their grounds.

The lovebirdslovebirdsI fell in love with this Indian Ringneck Parakeet.irThis Blue and Gold Macaw wants out!macawSome beer for Harry…beerAnd on to the budgies!budgiesbudgies2Budgie and canarybfinchBudgies, cockatiel and dove looks like the work of a naughty budgie… enjoyed our time at The Perch. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend that you  stop by for a brew and say, “Hello” to the birds!bontril vs adipexBut make sure to keep an eye on your kids.