About three weeks ago, Dewey showed off a new look:
The balding actually got worse than that – but soon his pinnies started to grow in.
Lost a throat spot.
Dewey doing his porcupine impression.
Looking much better.
From the back.
Dewey looking handsome with his brand new feathers.
Hmmm, Dewey and Allen seem to be on a similar molting schedule. Allen actually didn’t get quite as many pins, but he did get a lot. But now his feathers have grown back and he’s looking so pretty and handsome!
I was amazed at Dewey’s pins. His previous moults were pretty mild compared to this.
They do look so sleek and handsome with their new feathers, don’t they : ).
Wow, that’s a lot of pinnies. Miss Kauai may be starting to molt again because there are a lot of feathers on the floor. Does the top of the head, on any of your birds, get this “dirty” blackish color? It goes away after a while. I’m not sure if that is typical or if the top of her head gets blackish b\c she likes to play and hide under newspaper.
No – no blackish color. I bet it’s from the newspaper. Cooper’s head had a reddish color once, but it was from the red coloring of one of her toys. Hope Miss Kauai has a quick moult!
Thank you so much for showing that. And let me say he looks very handsome.
Allen “Chirps!” right back atcha!