With these school supplies you’ll move to the head of the class!
3 – ring binder and pencils from Paperchase.Notebook from Minty Baxter.
Pens from Creative Motions and Rakuten Global Market.
Pencil case from Orange Apollo.
Paperclips from minne.com.
Post its and page markers.
3D bookmark from Artgame.
Messenger bag from Birdorable.street price of xanaxLunchbox from Zazzle.xanax s 902And a budgie calendar from Avonside Publishing to start counting down the days until summer.
With those, I’d want to go back to school. Where’s Cooper’s calendar?
I love the paperclips! Too cute.
And, I second Harry. Where is the Cooper Calendar???
Yes – I should get on that…
If you made a Cooper calender, I would buy it. I would buy like 5.