Hi Michelle! Hi Harry! And greetings from Finland!
I’ve been following your blog quite a while now (little over a year or so) and for a long time I’ve wanted to leave you a comment but I haven’t had enough courage to do so.
Four years ago I had couple of budgies of my own, but because of my changed life situations I had to give them away and find them a new home. I know they are in good and loving hands now and they are able to enjoy life in a big flock. But still I miss those little buddies a lot… I really would love to some day have budgies again, but because I know that I’m probably not able to give them as much attention and good care as they would deserve, I just have to postpone my dream. Luckily I have found your blog and just to be able to “live along” has given me so much joy and happiness!
The news of Gordie passing away was just devastating (and in a time so was the news of Dewey’s)! I have cried many tears for you and I’m so terribly sorry for your loss! I know it won’t bring him back but Gordie had the best and most loving home any budgie could have! I really hope that there would be more people like you. Although you don’t know anything about Gordie’s previous life, he sure had the best golden years with you. He finally could live the life of budgie: big flock, loving companion, fresh veggies (and not to forget the “bestest” ever – millet!), bathing, toys etc. Not some kind of a showpiece all alone in a small cage in some dark corner… Hopefully you’ll give the same opportunity to have a wonderful life to some other budgies as you have given to Gordie and many others!
Thank you for sharing all these heart warming budgie stories with us! I wish you all the best and God bless you all in your enormous grief!
Irene – thank you so much for your comment. It’s lovely to hear from others who were fond of Gordie (and Dewey). Budgies are such wonderful little creatures, and they bring such joy to those who love them. I hope someday your circumstances will allow the dream of budgies. Until then, feel free to think of our flock as your flock, too. And no cage for you to clean!
I’m glad you finally made yourself comment : ). Make sure to comment again. We love to hear from everyone (and a comment from Finland is very exciting)!
Thank you so much for reading and posting a comment. This blog really has been a labor of love and knowing that someone is reading and sharing in the love of our birds makes this all worth our time. We read everyone’s comments and enjoy all of them, no matter how much you write. I also can’t begin to tell you how happy it makes me that Gordie and Dewey are being remembered around the world.
Firstly I would like to apologize some of my maybe silly miss-spellings. I haven’t used English in years, so especially prepositions may be a bit lost… Just try to ignore them… 😀
I’d be flattered to be able to call your flock as my flock also! But maybe more like Honorary flock of mine over the seas. 🙂 And Michelle you are so right about that cage cleaning thing! Although it’s just wonderful to have parrots (especially budgies), I’ll bet no-one likes that part of owning them! 😀
Now that I gathered my courage and posted my first comment to you, I promise to do so in the future as well. Maybe not daily nor weekly but regularly every now and then. 🙂
And thank you both once again about this blog! Every time I have visited here – even those days I have felt a bit blue – the “cuteness overload” provided by your wonderful little birdies have made me smile. 🙂
Gordie Good Bye! =,,(
No importa que no estes ,
Simpre estaras en nuestros corazones, Vida puede ser corta o larga, Pero un dia the veremos otra ves, Ariba en el cieeloo… pero para a hora , adios mi amigo, te encotrare un dia asique ha hora ADIOS te veremos todos un dia , asi que aaddiiioooss !!!!!
Made it up in a minute ! :’ ) Good bye little budgie …….
I’m so sorry to hear about Gordie. As the proud birdmom of three budgies at home and one in heaven, I know how you feel!
Your post about adopting an older budgie motivated me to contact our local rescue to see if there were any older budgies that need homes. Sunday, we are picking up budgie number four!
Hello Kelle –
I’m so sorry to hear that you lost a little budgie, too. These little ones can certainly take up a big place in your heart.
I’m so thrilled that you’re adopting an older budgie! It’s nice to know that he/she is going to have a second chance for a happy life in a lovely new home – with three flockmates. What a lucky little budgie! How wonderful of you to add him to you family. If you’d like to send photos when your new budgie is settled in, I’d love to post them on the blog : ).
So touching and beautiful – I got all choked up all over again. Goodbye, Sweet Little Gold Star Gordie Boy
Thanks Ollie <3.
Hi Michelle! Hi Harry! And greetings from Finland!
I’ve been following your blog quite a while now (little over a year or so) and for a long time I’ve wanted to leave you a comment but I haven’t had enough courage to do so.
Four years ago I had couple of budgies of my own, but because of my changed life situations I had to give them away and find them a new home. I know they are in good and loving hands now and they are able to enjoy life in a big flock. But still I miss those little buddies a lot… I really would love to some day have budgies again, but because I know that I’m probably not able to give them as much attention and good care as they would deserve, I just have to postpone my dream. Luckily I have found your blog and just to be able to “live along” has given me so much joy and happiness!
The news of Gordie passing away was just devastating (and in a time so was the news of Dewey’s)! I have cried many tears for you and I’m so terribly sorry for your loss! I know it won’t bring him back but Gordie had the best and most loving home any budgie could have! I really hope that there would be more people like you. Although you don’t know anything about Gordie’s previous life, he sure had the best golden years with you. He finally could live the life of budgie: big flock, loving companion, fresh veggies (and not to forget the “bestest” ever – millet!), bathing, toys etc. Not some kind of a showpiece all alone in a small cage in some dark corner… Hopefully you’ll give the same opportunity to have a wonderful life to some other budgies as you have given to Gordie and many others!
Thank you for sharing all these heart warming budgie stories with us! I wish you all the best and God bless you all in your enormous grief!
Best regards, Irene
Irene – thank you so much for your comment. It’s lovely to hear from others who were fond of Gordie (and Dewey). Budgies are such wonderful little creatures, and they bring such joy to those who love them. I hope someday your circumstances will allow the dream of budgies. Until then, feel free to think of our flock as your flock, too. And no cage for you to clean!
I’m glad you finally made yourself comment : ). Make sure to comment again. We love to hear from everyone (and a comment from Finland is very exciting)!
Thank you so much for reading and posting a comment. This blog really has been a labor of love and knowing that someone is reading and sharing in the love of our birds makes this all worth our time. We read everyone’s comments and enjoy all of them, no matter how much you write. I also can’t begin to tell you how happy it makes me that Gordie and Dewey are being remembered around the world.
Thank you Michelle and Harry for your reply!
Firstly I would like to apologize some of my maybe silly miss-spellings. I haven’t used English in years, so especially prepositions may be a bit lost… Just try to ignore them… 😀
I’d be flattered to be able to call your flock as my flock also! But maybe more like Honorary flock of mine over the seas. 🙂 And Michelle you are so right about that cage cleaning thing! Although it’s just wonderful to have parrots (especially budgies), I’ll bet no-one likes that part of owning them! 😀
Now that I gathered my courage and posted my first comment to you, I promise to do so in the future as well. Maybe not daily nor weekly but regularly every now and then. 🙂
And thank you both once again about this blog! Every time I have visited here – even those days I have felt a bit blue – the “cuteness overload” provided by your wonderful little birdies have made me smile. 🙂
Sincerely yours, Irene
Hi Irene –
No need to apologize – you’re English is great (and I can’t speak Finnish at all : ).
We feel the same way about the budgies. Even when we’re blue, they bring a smile to our faces.
By the way, Cooper doesn’t understand why cleaning her cage is a chore. She thinks we should be honored to do so. Sigh.
Gordie Good Bye! =,,(
No importa que no estes ,
Simpre estaras en nuestros corazones, Vida puede ser corta o larga, Pero un dia the veremos otra ves, Ariba en el cieeloo… pero para a hora , adios mi amigo, te encotrare un dia asique ha hora ADIOS te veremos todos un dia , asi que aaddiiioooss !!!!!
Made it up in a minute ! :’ ) Good bye little budgie …….
I hate auto correct it messed up my song about Gordie to help him pass on and to cheer up the flock =[
( If you don’t read Spanish you need a translator or something to read the poem). = )
Thank you Ana – an original poem for Gordie! He would be so honored. You are a sweetheart. Or should I say, a “tweetheart”?
Thankfully I still remember some of my Spanish (I took 4 years in high school : ).
awwww <3 such a sweet memorial. *sniff sniff*
Thanks Iva – he was such a good little bird. I’m hoping no more memorials for a long, long, long, time.
yes <3
I’m so sorry to hear about Gordie. As the proud birdmom of three budgies at home and one in heaven, I know how you feel!
Your post about adopting an older budgie motivated me to contact our local rescue to see if there were any older budgies that need homes. Sunday, we are picking up budgie number four!
Hello Kelle –
I’m so sorry to hear that you lost a little budgie, too. These little ones can certainly take up a big place in your heart.
I’m so thrilled that you’re adopting an older budgie! It’s nice to know that he/she is going to have a second chance for a happy life in a lovely new home – with three flockmates. What a lucky little budgie! How wonderful of you to add him to you family. If you’d like to send photos when your new budgie is settled in, I’d love to post them on the blog : ).
Thank you – so happy to hear that he was so loved <3.