Meet Soterion!Soterion lives in Michigan with Randy.
Soterion’s favorite toy is his buddy Solomon. Soterion is infatuated with him and follows him around everywhere. He is absolutely crazy over anything green in the veggie department, always the first to the fresh greens I give them, and will fight to get his share. I just had a thought, maybe he chases Solomon around because he think’s he is a big green veggie… Lol…
He is also crazy over nutriberries….he is about a year old now : ).
Awww Soterion is such an adorable marshmallow puff! I love big white budgies 🙂
He is a beautiful bird, great color, too.
Soterion is the definition of stunning.
AWWWWW, Soterion is SO CUTE!
Pretty birrrrd! What is Soterion’s color mutation called? The dark blue cere on all white feathers (and black eyes – so not albino?) is striking!
I believe he’s a double factor spangle. A true albino bird would have red eyes and a pink cere. There is a third white mutation called dark eyed clear and they have no white iris ring.
Soterion is a stunner. Pretty good-looking cage mates, too. Where did he get that name? In ancient Greek, “soter” means “Savior;” Soterion looks he would do a good job protecting Solomon!
Drop dead gorgeous!
Thank you Michelle for putting Soterion on your blog. So many beauties here. Iva is correct, Soterion is a violet factored DF spangle. Puck is correct on the name’s basic meaning. His cagemates are Solomon, Samara, and Seffra 🙂
And thank you all for compliments…