Budgies on TV

The Brady Bunch1What Goes Up (Season 2, Episode 11).2 After Bobby sprains his ankle by falling off a tree, his parents decide to cheer him up by giving him a parakeet. Because of the fall, Bobby has developed a fear of heights. The family tries to help him over his acrophobia with stilts, a trampoline and even a hiking trip. But nothing works…3Until Tiger (the family dog) chases Peter’s parakeet out the window. Peter overcomes his fear and climbs up on his swing set to get his parakeet out of a tree. Once again, a parakeet saves the day!4Bobby’s bird is never given a name, and this is its only appearance on the series. A shame, as it is clearly the best of the bunch.

Full episode here.






3 thoughts on “Budgies on TV

  1. I never did like the Brady Bunch much – clearly, it could have been bearable, maybe even delightful, if their story had revolved around their budgie – they sure missed the mark entirely…

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