This month’s book is That Quail, Robert by Margaret Stanger.Cape Cod, 1962 – on finding an abandoned quail egg, Thomas and Mildred Kienzle bring it home. After washing and disinfecting it, they leave it on a counter as a decoration. Soon, Robert the quail emerges and becomes a cherished member of the family. The book is written by Margaret Stanger, their neighbor and quail sitter.
Robert’s antics and personality make her a local and later, national celebrity. Thousands of people would visit the Kienzle’s to meet Robert. From swallowing one of Mildred’s diamonds to taking a bath in the broccoli and cream sauce at a dinner party, Robert is always entertaining. Cooper thought this book was sweet and charming and thinks that we should adopt a quail or two. Her favorite part of the book was when Robert proved she was female by laying an egg.
So funny I just bought that book!
I really enjoyed it : ).
So did I!
Sounds like a good read, I’ll put that on my list.