Two years ago, today, Harvey came to stay.
Today (just starting to moult and down three throat spots)
This was the year Harvey finally stepped up. Patience finally paid off. He still will only step up from one side of the cage and will only go in the cage if your finger is on his right side. So, we still have a bit of work to do. This is also the year that he bonded with Cooper. Harvey loves to sing and chatter at bedtime and is going at it long after the lights are out. I’m looking forward to the day where I’ve won enough trust from him to give him a kiss.
Happy Anniversary Harvey – we love you!
Aww – Handsome Harvey Boy – So less haunted looking since he first came.
Happy 2nd anniversary, little man – Love you!
He has been a real challenge. He must have been really mishandled at his previous home. So hard to overcome those trust issues. You’re a handsome bird Harvey, we love you!
Yay Harvey! I am so glad there are people like you that will take in poor mistreated budgies and give them so much love and patience and such a great home.
Harvey is yet further proof, if we needed more, of what love, major patience, clean home, good food and company can do for a guy. He looks so freaked in photo #1, and now, he is the complete Mensch. And gorgeous, too, as the yellow-face factor spreads to his chest. He’s a looker. Happy Anniversary, handsome!