This month’s book is Dogbird by Paul Stewart.
Alice gets a budgie for her seventh birthday. Her father names their new pet Dogbird -because he doesn’t talk. What he does is bark like the family’s three Labradors. The dogs and Dogbird cause a commotion with all their barking – even disturbing the neighbors. Things quickly escalate and Alice and her friend decide to set Dogbird free. This does not go well when wild birds chase poor, frightened Dogbird. Luckily, he is able to fly safely home.
The family decides that Dogbird should go live with Grandma. Grandma is thrilled with Dogbird. She renames him Bluey, and he even learns a few phrases. Not only is Bluey a wonderful companion, but because of his barking, he is an excellent guardbird.
Cooper thought this book was terrific. She liked the illustrations (by Tony Ross). She was nervous when the dogs knocked over Dogbird’s cage, and even more so when the wild birds were attacking Dogbird. She was glad the book had a happy ending and Dogbird/Bluey ended up with a new name and someone who loved him.