17 thoughts on “365 Days of Ozzie

  1. WOWWWWW!!!!
    What a Difference a year makes! Just LOVE to see such a transformation!
    Bravo, Michelle, on giving Ozzie the Best Life EVER!

  2. Yaaaaaayyy!!!! Lookin’ good, Ozzie! Fit, healthy, strong, shiny & alert. And with a nice twinkle of mischief in the eye. 😉

    Coincidentally, I had just said to my friend–only one moment prior to stopping by this site–“I want a Rescue bird.” And now I see that your fella’s from a shelter! Awesome. (I’ve only ever had one bird–GiGi [Budgie], whom I ended up taking after someone bought & gave her as a gift to my 93-year old grandma [what were they thinking…?!]. She lost all her feathers over the years. Vet thought that stemmed from an improper wing trim by PETCO (hate them), but personally I think it was PBFD. Had her for 6 years, passed over a year ago. Despite being bald she remained happy, healthy, very strong, alert, athletic, agile, loving, and at times, bitchy, until dying after a week of extremely subtle symptoms which the vet wasnt able to diagnose.

    GiGi would have loved Ozzie, as she had particular taste and Ozzie’s a classy-looking little fox!

    • Ozzie is everyone’s buddy. He used to pal around a lot with Dewey, but those days ended when Sunny came into the picture. He hangs out with Cooper now, but she likes to do her own thing. I’m hoping he and Alfie (also a rescue bird) will be pals.

      We’re going to add one more female to the flock, definitely from an animal shelter. We’re not buying from pet stores anymore – which is difficult as there are so many cute young budgies there. But I hate to think of what happens to them if they get sick/no one buys them.

      I’m glad you took Gigi in and gave her a good budgie life!

    • He had been attacked by a cat. And who knows how long he was out in the “wild”. He was also finishing up a moult. He was a hot mess.

  3. Ozzie looks wonderful! The first picture looks like a different bird! I’m so glad adopted him and gave him a great home. He’s a lucky bird 🙂

  4. He looks so much better. I’m glad you were able to give him the attention he needed to become a happy, fluffy bird.

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