Meet Bart and Lisa!
*Bart is on the left in both photos
These little kitties live in New York with David P.
Bart’s favorite activities include: being petted while I’m on the can; lying on my foot while I rotate it back an forth, à la My Three Sons; chasing Lisa. Bart’s favorite treat is drinking from the toilet.
Lisa’s favorite activities include: storming the desk like its the Bastille and demanding to be petted if I get within five feet of it; the kitchen windowsill; chasing Bart. Her favorite treat is drinking from my water glass.
That’s a pair of fine looking cats. They sound like a lot of fun.
Oh, they are so cute. I never realized they were black. Not sure what color I thought they were. Drinking from the toilet huh? Classy New York cats are classy. 😉
That’s should be spelled “Klassy”. It’s kind of like the “Krab” you can buy at the grocery store.
Heh. We just watched one of those food shows Thurs. that showed us how “krab” is made. *gag*
Those are a couple of cool cats. I love that they’re reclining in both photos – cats after my own heart.
Bart is such a good name for a cat 🙂