So many goodies came in the mail recently –
First up, from Susan – this fantastic budgie sculpture. I love it!
Cooper and her new friend.
Susan also sent these little budgie charms and budgie ring. So cute! Thank you Susan!
The budgies received a package from my niece Surena and her fiancé, RK.
Look at all those treats – what lucky budgies!
They also got this cute little bowling toy. Here is Ozzie right before he bowled a strike. Thank you so much Surena and RK!
We’re so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends.
Michelle, Harry, Cooper and the flock
I am so glad you like the items. Now tell the truth…do you wear the ring?
Thank you, Susan! Those budgie charms sure are cute.
Thank you very much to Surena and RK, the birds will enjoy the gifts.
What a fantastic haul – So well deserved!
My GiGi (RIP) had that bowling toy too 🙂 she’d tug the metal chain back & forth in either direction while studying herself in the mirror. She ignored the actual bowling ball and pins though, cuz bowling’s for boys. Let’s see whether or not Coop shares that same sentiment…
So far the boys are more into it than the girls. My boys do love their reflections!
Lucky budgies!
Where did she get the budgie sculpture?
A Proper Garden: