I like to celebrate our “rainbow” budgies on what would have been their hatchdays. Today would have been Felix’s. This year I decided to make videos to look back on our happy memories.
We adopted Felix from Craigslist (his former owners wanted to concentrate on their cockatiels).
Felix was a very handsome little devil. He had a biting problem when we first brought him home, but he mellowed out as he began to trust us. He received many kisses despite the occasional nip. He really was a sweet fellow at heart.
Felix was a great friend to the other budgies. He flirted with our girls, but he loved Lera (his tweetheart). He enjoyed baths and millet and would fly to my finger when I called for him. He loved to chew up balsa, and talk to himself in the mirror. He was a very handsome boy and we treasured the nine years we had with him.