Gordie moved into the big cage today.He seems to be doing pretty well. He’s been keeping to himself, but has been chirping and investigated one of the toys. He sticks to one spot and avoids the other budgies, but I’m hoping they’ll all warm up to each other quickly.Emmy came out of the cage and bonked into a wall. Eesh. She seems to be doing better flying around, though. It helps to have Ozzie show her how to navigate the room.Emmy moved to the quarantine cage. Just until I finger tame her. It’s impossible to do in the big cage. Ozzie will visit and sleep there (and show her that stepping up is easy). As soon as Emmy moves back into the big cage, it will be Lera’s turn to meet the budgies. Jeez, we have a lot of budgies!
Emmy is so pretty! So Ozzie is the new stud?
Yes, Ozzie seems to be making moves on all the ladies. Cooper still isn’t interested.
Yes you DO have a lot of budgies. 🙂 But they’re in a good home, so that’s all that matters. 🙂
And we still need ONE more!
Jeez, we have a lot of budgies!
Ya think? LOL Glad they are all getting along so far. Someone I know from work posted this picture. https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1920529_10101515754896967_1341452596_n.jpg They said she fell in the sink and couldn’t figure out how to get out. Certainly not as smart as your crew.
Ha! That’s funny. Poor little girl. Sinks are confusing!
Gordie is super adorable!
Yea, you do have a lot of budgies, but who cares? They are loved, cared for and super adorable!
I think so, too! Gordie is so quiet. I hope he breaks out of his shell soon. He mostly just sits there. Of course, he is an older budgie. He’s a little sweetheart.