Cooper’s Book Report

Cooper’s book this month is Never Steal a Cockatiel by Edie Claire.

This is the 9th book in a mystery series about Leigh Koslow.

Someone is snatching up the beloved pets of Avalon. As the daughter of a veterinarian whose clients are the victims, Leigh tries to uncover who is behind the pet nappings. Will Leigh, with the help of her large family and friends, be able to solve the mystery?

Cooper enjoyed this book. She was happy that the no pets were harmed and that any kidnapped pets were reunited with their humans. She liked that Zeus the cockatoo left his mark on the kidnapper, but would have liked to have read more about Opie the cockatiel. She hopes that the next book will be about a budgie (preferably, a blue one). Maybe, Never Cheat a Parakeet… Would definitely be a bestseller!

Birthday Tiel

Today we celebrated Sido’s Hatchday. We adopted Sido from a rescue, so we don’t know how old she really is (this is her 7th year with us). 

Sido’s favorite toy is the California Roll. She loves to pull out the bits and pieces. I couldn’t find one anywhere, so I bought some toy parts and made one for her.

Of course Sido had some hatchday millet. And Harry bought strawberries for her. They are a Sido favorite.

Happy hatchday Sido – we love you! xoxo