Draw Cooper Contest!

It’s Draw a Bird Day. Cooper is holding her 2nd annual Draw Cooper Contest. Get out those art supplies and win a $100 Amazon gift card!
You can enter on Cooper’s Instagram page @cooperkeet.

If you are not on Instagram, email your picture to cooper at cooper@cooperscorner.info and I will enter your picture for you. Winner will be announced on Cooper’s Corner on May 1st. Have fun and good luck!

The Draw Cooper Contest Winner Is…

Trying to pick a winner was extremely difficult. All the entries were wonderful, from baby Cooper to fabulous Cooper to hypno Cooper. We were excited that we had some entries from the younger set, too. Cooper was very honored that all the entrants put in so much time and effort to draw her. But I did say we would pick a winner, and so after much deliberation…

First prize, $25 Amazon gift card goes to Holly (lovebirb_draws).
Cooper thinks that all the entries are amazing, so she decided that everyone else who entered will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. Thank you all for sharing your Cooper artwork with us. XOXO