*Contest submissions closed*

It’s Draw a Bird Day and Cooper is holding her 3rd annual Draw Cooper Contest. So get out those art supplies and enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

It’s Draw a Bird Day. Cooper is holding her 2nd annual Draw Cooper Contest. Get out those art supplies and win a $100 Amazon gift card!
You can enter on Cooper’s Instagram page @cooperkeet.
If you are not on Instagram, email your picture to cooper at cooper@cooperscorner.info and I will enter your picture for you. Winner will be announced on Cooper’s Corner on May 1st. Have fun and good luck!
In honor of Draw a Bird Day, Cooper is holding a contest.
Winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card!
Draw a picture (any medium) of Cooper. You can enter your picture by:
1. Posting your picture on Instagram with the hashtag #drawcooperkeet, OR
2. Post your picture on the Cooper’s Corner facebook page in the comments section of the contest post. OR
3. Email your picture to Cooper: cooper@cooperscorner.info
Entries will be accepted until Friday April 10th at 11pm PST. Cooper and her humans will choose and announce a winner on Saturday April 11th. Gift card will be emailed to the winner.
Enter as many times as you would like.
Have fun and good luck!
Kicking off cockatiel week (in honor of Sido’s upcoming hatchday) with drawing (and coloring) a cockatiel.