Our friend Steven sent us this cute jigsaw puzzle by Birdhism (featuring budgies and cockatiels!).
Tippi helped!
Thanks Steven!
Our friend Steven sent us this cute jigsaw puzzle by Birdhism (featuring budgies and cockatiels!).
Tippi helped!
Thanks Steven!
It’s Draw a Bird Day and Cooper is holding her 4th annual Draw Cooper Contest. So get out those art supplies and enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!
Thank you to everyone who entered Cooper’s Contest!
Cooper wanted to celebrate her hatchday with a giveaway. Cooper is giving away three of these cute little birbber budgie pins. Two here and one on her Instagram page.
Comment, “Pin Me!” in the comment section to enter.
Cooper will randomly pick the winners. Contest closes Tuesday, June 21 at 11pm PST.
Contest is open to all ages/all countries.
*You will not need to pay shipping
Winner will be announced Wednesday, June 22nd.
Good Luck!
*Contest submissions closed*
Contest deadline is April 24th (Sunday)!
*Contest submissions closed*
It’s Draw a Bird Day and Cooper is holding her 3rd annual Draw Cooper Contest. So get out those art supplies and enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!
Cooper is really into Birdle.
Thank you to everyone who participated – and stay tuned for Cooper’s next giveaway!
*Contest Closed*
Ho! Ho! Ho! Cooper Claus is giving away 2 sets of 12 fun little budgie gifts.
To enter, comment “Ho Ho Ho!” in the comment section. Winners will be chosen randomly.
For additional chances to win, you can enter on Cooper’s Instagram page (@cooperkeet) or facebook page.
Contest is open to all countries. You do not need to pay for shipping. Contest closes Christmas Eve at 11pm PST. Winners will be announced on December 25th, 2021.
Good luck!