Last night Harry and I attended the Free Flight Tropical Sunset Fundraiser. Free Flight is an exotic bird sanctuary in Del Mar. You can read more about them on the Free Flight website. We had a lot fun – they had a bar, delicious food, a silent auction and a great band.
A Blue and Gold Macaw greeted the guests.
Harry with a Hyacinth Macaw. She was very sweet. I got to feed her some grapes, a carrot and some banana.
Here I am with an Eclectus parrot (males are green and females are red).
Here is Harry with a cockatoo on a visit we made a week ago.
This parrot let me scritch its pin feathers – much bigger than a budgie’s!
Here’s a little video of some of the birds: a Moluccan Cockatoo, a pair of Mexican Red- headed Amazons and a Gold and Yellow Macaw.