This month’s book is The Bird in Santa’s Beard by Jeffery L. Schatzer (with Mark Bush and Don Rutt). Illustrations by Ty Smith.

Santa comes across a little bird who did not fly south for the winter. Cold and alone, the little bird calls out to Santa for help.
Santa offers the bird some warm oatmeal (with cinnamon) and invites her to stay with him for the winter. The two become the best of friends. The little bird even builds a nest in Santa’s beard. One day Santa wakes up to find eggs in the nest.
But Christmas is near and soon Santa will have to visit with the children. How will he be able to meet the children while keeping the eggs safe?

This book was absolutely adorable. Cooper loved it (even though the bird was not a budgie). The photos were lovely and some made Cooper laugh. They captured the friendship between the little bird and Santa. Children often wonder why are there so many different Santas each year. This book provides a wonderful explanation on why Santa has so many helpers.