Just like The Oprah and Fräulein Maria, Cooper has favorite things!
It’s fun to climb on, chirp in, nibble and every once and while, give a really hard nip.
Charles Henry “Chuck” Cooper (September 29, 1926 – February 5, 1984)
Chuck Cooper was the first African American player to be drafted by an NBA team (Boston Celtics), in 1950.
Cooper’s experience was laced with racial prejudice and, at times, rampant segregation on road trips at restaurants and hotels.
Cooper later earned a Masters in Social Work degree from the University of Minnesota, served on Pittsburgh’s school board, and became the city’s first African American department head as director of parks and recreation.
Written by: Patricia A. Davis Illustrated by: Layne Johnson
Brian, a little blind boy, receives a parakeet for his 8th birthday. He names his new pet, Scratchy, and teaches him to talk. One day Brian’s stupid brother leaves the door open and Scratchy flies away! Will Brian get Scratchy back? Read the book and find out!
Cooper loved this book, even though the parakeet was green and not blue.