Meet Sondra’s budgies – Budgie Boy, Butter Bean and Bluebie. Here is their story:
I picked out these two at Petco. I named them Budgie Boy and Butter Bean.
They were the best of friends. Where one would go, the other would follow.
They lived happily together for several months. Then something bad happened. One day I clipped Butter Bean’s nails too short, and hurt her. She immediately became so afraid of me, that every time I came near the birds, she would savagely attack Budgie Boy and make him scream. It was awful. I feared she might really injure the little guy, and I didn’t know how to deal with her, as I felt so nervous and guilty. So I gave her to my good friend Joyce, a fantastic bird person. Budgie Boy was desolate.
Although he had been attacked and hurt by her, he still adored Butter Bean and mourned and pined for her day after day. I could not console him – he wanted a bird friend. So I went and got Baby Bluebie. Budgie Boy was beside himself with joy. He ran right over to Bluebie, put his foot on him and claimed him as his Best Friend Forever.
Happy months went by… Meanwhile, Butter Bean was thriving at Joyce’s house. She had become super tame, had the run of the house and socialized with every family member.
But Joyce thought Butter Bean should have a life with other birds – so she gave her back to me, to see if she would get along with my two boys. Bingo! Roaring success!!!!! Buttern Bean had grown into a attractive, desirable Golden Princess, and the boys were absolutely smitten. For her part, she went right into season, although she never laid an egg (thank God). After that first time, The Princess never went into season again – for over six years, earning her the title of The Virgin Queen. This menage a trois worked out famously, for the most part. The boys were still BFFs and The Princess gave each of them special attention separately. It was extremely rare for them to fight amongst each other.
A year ago almost to the day, The Good Lord reached down and took my little Golden Princess back with Him, to live forever in Heaven, with no more sickness and suffering.
In the last week of her time down here, weak as she was, she fought every step of the way – I have never seen such tenacity in the face of death – brought tears to my eyes daily, as I prayed she would be healed, one way or another. The Good Lord finally answered my prayers in His way and His time; I am eternally thankful, though I miss her as intensely as I loved her.
My boys are doing OK – During her last week, the two of them stayed together, quietly watching her from a short distance. In her sickness, she had barely acknowledged their approach, so they ended up staying close to each other, giving her space, faithfully and lovingly keeping vigil. I am so relieved and happy they have one another – Were it not for their deep bond, I believe my Budgie Boy would have been a total basket case; as it was, they were uncharacteristically quiet, and sticking together like glue – I am glad of that, as they have recovered their spirits since then, comforted by each other.