The flock recently spent a week at a hotel. We were having some work done on the house and didn’t want the birds exposed to any toxic fumes.
The budgies did well. Sido did not like her travel cage. She was happy to be out (and on us) most of the visit. Especially Harry, whom she adores.
Harry was a budgie magnet – Cooper and Emmy spent a lot of time on the Harry jungle gym.

Emmy has lots of pinnies. She stuck like glue to Cooper. Cooper was unfazed by the whole experience.

We brought the playgym for the birds, but they mostly hung out on Harry, the tops of the travel cages and the top of the lamp. The lamp had a plexiglass shield (and never got hot), but we draped a towel around it to keep it poop free.

While the birds did okay on their hotel adventure, they are most definitely happy to be back home. So are we!