Yesterday was Tippi’s Gotcha Day! One year ago, we brought her home from the Humane Society. Here’s Tippi (hiding) in the travel cage at the shelter.

And here is Tippi on her water cup (which she sometimes uses as a bathtub).

I like to share memories of our “rainbow” budgies on what would have been their hatchdays.
Alfie was the personification of adorable. He loved his bells, his baths and his Romaine lettuce, and he often had food on his face. He was a sweet little nut and his antics always made us smile.
We brought Alfie home from the shelter sight unseen (we adopted him before his photo was posted). When we arrived home, we opened the box and found this beautiful budgie. He was almost named Captain Underpants due to his white under fluffies, but Alfie suited his personality more (and was a little more dignified). He was easily tamed and became a great friend to the other birds. He loved hanging out with the boys – especially Ozzie.
We were so lucky to have this dear little budgie in our lives. If you are looking to add a bird to your family, please consider adopting. You may end up with a treasure like Alfie.
We had quite a weekend!
On Saturday night I noticed that Tippi had a little bulge on her abdomen. After what we went through with Cooper and Emmy, I was worried (ha ha, I was sick with dread). It could have been an egg, it could have been fluid, or a tumor, etc. Of course, our avian vet is closed on evenings and on Sundays.
The next day the bulge was bigger. Tippi seemed fine. There were some big poops (which is an indication of an egg on the way).
I put her into the little travel cage where she sleeps at night. Because of her balance issues, she will fall from her perch at night – this way I don’t worry she will be hurt.
On Monday morning I got up early to see if I could get her in for an emergency appointment at the vet. When I looked in on on her, I saw…
a little egg! I was so relieved!
Tippi had no interest in the egg, so I removed it. We have bad luck with eggs here (Cooper was eggbound and had to have an egg surgically removed, and Sunny prolapsed with an egg and had to have veterinary care), so I do not want her to be laying. We do everything we can to discourage egg laying in our females, but I will have to redouble my efforts. Tippi is tiny, and I don’t want her to become egg bound or have any other egg related problems. Hopefully, we are one and done with eggs!
Here she is with her egg. I couldn’t resist taking a photo. Once again, she had zero interest in her egg.
Marvin tries a walnut. Yum!