More magnificent, marvelous (and messy) mash

Made some more mash for the birds.

This batch is veggies. Grated carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, sweet potato, peas, squash and beets. I also bought some organic baby food to mix in. I wanted to give the birds a variety. mash1This batch is fruit. The birds still prefer veggies, but if I mix in some grains, they’ll eat it. Below: apples, kiwi, pear, banana, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and black berries. Also mixed in is some organic fruit baby food. I skipped adding in crushed pellets, because the flock has been really good about eating them.mash2I love mashes! It’s a lot of work to make it in one sitting, but then I don’t have to do it every day. I didn’t put the herbs/greens (basil, thyme, kale, romaine lettuce or spinach) in the mash. I just tear up fresh ones and sprinkle them on top.

Alfie is always first to the plate.alfiemashSido enjoys some fruit.sidomashEmmy likes to carry globs over to the play gym and eat them there.emmymashThese birds eat better than we do…

730 days of Alfie

Two years ago we brought our little Alfie home from the animal shelter.

Alfie (7/2/2013)newThey handed him to me in a box. I had no idea what he looked like until I got him home. What a wonderful surprise to find such an adorable budgie!

Alfie (7/2/14)2014Alfie (who narrowly escaped the name “Captain Underpants”) has been such a joy to us over the past two years. His antics always make us laugh, and he’s a sweetheart to boot.

(7/2/15)alfie2015We love you Alfie – happy anniversary!