Cooper’s Cutie

Meet Lyta! Lyta lives in Australia with Celyia.

Hi, folks! Thought I’d take a minute to introduce you to the new woman in my life, Lyta. Lyta, why don’t you say hi to these good people?
Do I have to?
Yes. Come on, baby girl. Don’t be shy.
I’m not shy. I’ve just got better thi–
Lyyyyyta! Don’t be rude!
Fine. Fine. Hi.1There we go. Thanks. Hey, I don’t suppose you’d be willing to, I don’t know, look less angry? There’d be some millet in it for you.2
Come on? Even just a little? A smile won’t kill you.
No, I am pretty sure it will.3Uh, okay. Um. Oh! I see that you’re starting to grow your tailfeathers out! They look wonderful. I noticed that your tail was really short when you moved in here. Any reason for the change?
It’s just the way I roll. Being out in the wild, man? It’s a whole ‘nother jungle, if you know what I mean. Long feathers just get in the way–4
Really? I know you were out there on your own for a while, so there was some concern that something happened to you in the great outdoors.
BAH! Nothing happened. They ain’t called the great outdoors for nothin’, woman.

If that’s true, then where did you lose the tip of your toe?
In the neck of the last person who tried to interview me. Where’s my pay for this gig, anyway? Millet, please.
Of course, of course. I appreciate you taking the time to come talk with us today. Any parting thoughts for our readers?5
No. *nom nom nom*
And that’s a wrap! Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Benji!11173685_10207108515010175_1822490889_nBenji lives in California with Maevonne.11178544_10207108512810120_1304157257_nBenji is a male budgie, about 2.5 years old. He is pretty mellow, loves the camera, chirps and sings, and talks. Benji has a human flock and is very spoiled and sweet. This “Budgie Extraordinaire” even has his own facebook page and YouTube channel!11178449_10207108513730143_551844362_nBenji’s interests include: tossing wiffle balls and bells off his cagetop, nibbling on ropes and strings, trying to climb into the laptop and TV screens, watching and chirping along to basketball games and running water, taking naps with Mom – snoozing all tucked in under her chin, running away when it’s bath time, pole dancing, harassing Perry the Plastic Budgie and eating millet.11118107_10207108515490187_1923121731_nBenji in action:

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Mallorn!MALLORN 023_zpsv6r3jpkkMallorn lives by the Rocky Mountains with Gigi. Mally_zpsajtz2a0cShe is two years old and her favorite activities are watching movies or distracting me from my work : ). And, she can get really cross with me if I touch her toys or forget to tell her where I’m going. MALLORN 031_zpsygbfn1m4She loves eating romaine lettuce and her favorite treat is cheese. Mally enjoys beeping like our microwave and likes to take baths in her water bowl, usually on freezing cold days when bathing doesn’t make sense. GE DIGITAL CAMERAShe adores my violin playing and occasionally practices the art of stealing food! 041_zpsmfbdehyq

A new home for Spencer!

When Gordie passed away we received a lovely comment from Kelle. She wrote that she would be adopting an older budgie from a local rescue in Gordie’s honor. And she did! Meet Spencer (on the right, with Faust). spencerSpencer moved into his new home around Thanksgiving. He is now all settled and adjusted with budgie siblings Faust, Hulk (below, left), Stephanie (below right) and humans Kelle and John.unnamedHere are the budgies enjoying their Valentine’s Day feast.flockHow absolutely wonderful that Spencer has found a new family. Thanks to Kelle and John he now has his happily ever after. And what a wonderful tribute to Gordie, as well. Hopefully, Spencer and Gordie will inspire another budgie adoption in the future!

Thank you Kelle, John (and Spencer!) for sharing your story! XOX

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Luigi!
Luigi lives with Aluz in Portugal. Luigi’s flock includes lovebird Penguin (who has laid an egg since we last saw “him”)! l4 Luigi was my Christmas chick, he hatched on December 27th, 2013.Fotos2370_zpsf52de94dHe has a really sweet temperament, he makes sure to show us how happy he is on a daily basis, his joyfulness is very contagious.
Luigi is a very funny and talented boy, besides having learnt a few words I taught him as well as some others that he picked from my other budgie talker, Leonel, he also knows the lovebird language and mimics my dog’s barking quite well. l2Luigi loves flying and landing on top of my head, his favorite toy is a wooden swing and during out of cage time likes to play with a plastic two-headed dragon.
His favorite treats are spinach leaves, carrot and apple slices.
landgLuigi and his girlfriend, Goldilocks.l3Here is Luigi in action.


Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Soterion!s1Soterion lives in Michigan with Randy.s2Soterion’s favorite toy is his buddy Solomon. Soterion is infatuated with him and follows him around everywhere. He is absolutely crazy over anything green in the veggie department, always the first to the fresh greens I give them, and will fight to get his share. I just had a thought, maybe he chases Solomon around because he think’s he is a big green veggie… Lol…3He is also crazy over nutriberries….he is about a year old now : ).4

Cutie of the Year!

In the past 12 months Cooper’s Corner has featured some pretty amazing budgies. Cooper decided that from 2014’s cuties she would pick a Cutie of the Year! Here are this year’s contestants:

January: Kacey1kaceyFebruary: Fred2fredMarch: Bubba3bubbaApril: Sonnet4sonnetMay: Celeste and Cyan5celestecyanJune: Bubbles6bubblesJuly: Tweety Girl and Player7tweetygirlplayerAugust: Bert and Ernie8berternieSeptember: Robin9robinOctober: Bullet10bulletNovember: Puck11puckDecember: Perri Blue12perriblueSo which adorable budgie will be Cooper’s Cutie of the Year?? The envelope please…envAnd Cooper’s Cutie of 2014 is…cutieOh, Cooper.

*Thank you to all the budgies who participated in Cooper’s Corner this year – we love you all!

If you would like your budgie to be featured in a Cooper’s Cuties post, send an email by clicking on Cooper’s contact link.

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Perri Blue!
pb4Perri Blue (on the right) lives in North Carolina with Susan, budgies Ellie, Oscar and Tucker, and cockatiels Gracie and Jo Jo.pb3(left to right: Tucker, Perri Blue, Ellie and Oscar)

I kept hinting to my husband that we needed to get a mate for Oscar because he seemed lonely to me. He is in love with our cockatiel Jo Jo but she does not feel the same at all.  After going away for 2 nights and my husband caring for the birds, he said, “Oscar needs mate he is lonely.”  I tried to get a budgie from  but at that time there were no budgies listed.  As far as I am concerned anything from Craig’s list is a rescue.  I found a lady who was selling budgies for $10. (HOW SAD)  I made the call and went to pick up my budgie.  Much to my surprise the cage she was in with her mother, father, and 2 siblings was very large and nice. They were all very healthy.  BUT Perri Blue’s wings had been clipped and she kept falling to the floor where a CAT sat waiting to pounce. The lady was not at all concerned about it. She also told me they cover them sometimes when they are watching TV because they are too loud. (budgie sounds are music to my ears) She did not seem at all concerned that the budgie would get a good  home.pb1Perri Blue now lives with Oscar, Ellie, and Tucker. She is in love with Oscar and follows him everywhere. Oscar likes her most of time but you can tell his heart is still with Jo Jo (the cockatiel)  From the beginning Ellie was not happy about another female and she was not very nice to little Perri Blue.  Now Perri  Blue is the largest budgie in the flock and the most dominant too.  It’s a soap opera for sure.  We recently bought the new extra-large cage and everyone seems to be much happier.  I have 4 of the exact same swing and they all pick one to sleep on at night. I play the same CD at bedtime and as soon as they hear the music they start winding down and find their swing. When Jo Jo hears the music she starts hissing at me because she doesn’t like to go to bed. pb2


Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Puck!

Puck lives in Indiana with Jan.

Puck standing proudly in the pet grass, being worshiped by some besotted human.grassOn Feb 20th, 2013 an individual then known as QA2 suddenly noticed he was stuck inside an eggshell that was getting tighter by the minute; with the determination that was to characterize his future personality, he heaved back and smashed that shell to smithereens. Two months later he came to live in Muncie, IN, was rechristened PUCK, and proceeded to rule.

Budgie pride. Like every modern budgie, he has computer skills.computerPuck has his own account at Amazon, where he orders his favorite millet sprays and stone ground oats from the human part of the store.twoHe is madly in love with a certain plastic penguin-on-wheels named Rosina, and takes care to bap her on the head first thing every morning. After a month here, he said his first words, “My name is Puck.” Apparently, he had been paying close attention. His repertoire is extensive now, half what his human has taught him, half what he decided to imitate on his own. Imagine her surprise when he said, “Are you serious?” for the first time! The sound he imitates best is the rattle of a loose glass flower on his personal venetian mirror.

Puck doing what budgies do, at his play station. Note venetian mirror. 

Puck has done much to forward the well-being of budgies everywhere; since he has come to live here, he has met dozens of people who never had seen a bird living indoors as a pet, and in all modesty, he would have to admit he has made some conquests and conversions. His human ruefully notes guests, best friends even, often rush to greet Puck before they take off their hats and greet her! It’s that unbeatable combo of looks, charm, ace flying skills and sparkling conversation. He has also inspired considerable art* and poetry; his human speaks to him in nonsense rhymes, such as: You are a yankee doodle and chicken noodle. May the earth open and swallow her if he didn’t come out with “I am a Yankee Doodle” on the 4th of July this year!
Puck sitting on his Auntie Cathie’s nose. I love his composure.

In addition to being a genius and budgie ambassador to the world, Puck is extremely helpful around the house; his favorite sound is the roar of the vacuum cleaner, so he voluntarily assists with that chore several times a day, since millet shows up all too well on a burgundy carpet. He loves running water and attends his human at dishwashing and shower time. Loves to help cleaning the kitchen floor because not only can he play with his human’s toes, he gets to eat the millet she pops out from between the tiles- if he’s fast enough. For some reason he doesn’t understand, she doesn’t approve of that practice.
The day Puck discovered he was a Hoosier.
corn* Portrait of Puck painted by painted by Anyes Kadowaki Busby.
paintinhPuck’s days are busy, attending to his chores and duties, but in the evening he likes to cuddle up on his human’s chest, right over her heart. He thinks he’s a tough guy, but she thinks he is her darling budgie, her sweet Puck, and the light of her days!