Happy Hatchday!

Tippi is 1ish. We adopted Tippi from the Humane Society, so we don’t know how old she really is. But we will start her at one.

We celebrated with millet and new toys.

Happy Hatchday Tippi – we love you!

(This was a quick investigation of the flower, Tippi was not allowed to eat it).

Birthday Budgie

Today we are celebrating Riley’s 1st hatchday with us. We don’t really know how old she is, so we’re starting her at 1.

Here she is next to her present. She actually took a little nibble. Yay!

She took more than a nibble of her hatchday millet.

(Like Mariah Carey, Riley likes to be photographed from her right side.)
Happy Hatchday Riley! We hope to enjoy many, many more with you. xoxo

Hatchday Giveaway!


Somebudgie is having a Hatchday! 🎂
Cooper is turning 10 tomorrow. To celebrate, she is giving away two Cooper necklaces, custom made by Snoot Scoot on Etsy.
One winner will be selected randomly from Cooper’s facebook page (Cooper’s Corner) and one from her Instagram @cooperkeet. If you are not on Facebook or Instagram, just type, “Pick Me!” in this post’s comments and I will enter you.

Contest is open to all countries . You will not have to pay for shipping. Contest closes Thursday, June 17 at 11pm EST. Winner will be announced Friday, June 18th.
Good luck!