Birthday Budgie

Look who is 11(ish)!

Here’s the hatchday girl with her present.

And here she is celebrating with millet.

Sunny has had a tough couple of weeks. She’s had two vet visits, one to have fluid withdrawn from her abdomen and one due to vomiting and listlessness. She is doing much better and is just now finishing up a course of antibiotics. Until she is in the clear, she is hanging out in her condo. So no having to share her millet and toys : ).
Happy hatchday Sunnybuns – we love you!

Birthday Budgie

Look who is 9(ish)!

Ozzie celebrated with millet – of course!

Ozzie also snacked on some Romaine lettuce (a favorite).

Here he is with one of his hatchday presents. He loves to nibble on this one. He is our little nibbler.

He also took a little birthday bath.

Happy hatchday little one! We love you sooo much! XOXO

*Ozzie was recently diagnosed by his avian vet with a possible testicular tumor. Other than his brown cere, he appears to be perfectly fine.