Cooper’s Halloween Costume 2023
This month’s movie is Rush.
Rush follows the careers of two Formula 1 race car drivers competing for the 1976 championship.
But who cares – it’s all about the budgies!
Driver James Hunt life revolves around driving, partying and girls. And budgies!
The budgies only show up briefly in a couple scenes. Cooper thinks the movie would have won best picture if they had focused less on the cars and more on the budgies.
James Hunt retired from the race scene and went on to become a budgie breeder. He entered competitions and was said to have had 300 budgies.
“He could spend hours in the aviary talking to his budgies.”
This month’s movie is A Stork’s Journey.
Richard is a sparrow who is adopted by storks when his mother and father meet an untimely end. When the storks migrate to Africa, they leave Richard behind. With his new friends, Olga the owl and Kiki, the budgie, Richard heads south to rejoin his family.
But who cares! It’s all about Kiki! Kiki is a pudgy, disco loving budgie who dreams of becoming a singing sensation at the San Remo music festival. Kiki derails the trio’s journey to Africa to attend the festival, and is crushed when another budgie is singing his signature song.
In the end, Kiki overcomes his fear of flying and realizes how important true friendship is. Oh, and Richard finds and is accepted by his stork family in Africa.
Cooper thinks this movie would have been better if Kiki had been the star. She was happy that he escaped his small cage and found true friendship. She also enjoyed seeing different bird characters (pigeons, crows), but liked the blue budgie the best.
This month’s movie is Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye.
This movie is a collection of three stories, connected by a traveling cat.The first two stories (adaptations of short stories in King’s Night Shift collection) did not feature a budgie, and were of little interest to Cooper. She did enjoy a pecky pigeon who was the downfall of a nasty casino owner in “The Ledge”, though.
In “General” the cat must protect a little girl from a troll. Unfortunately, General is unable to save Polly the parakeet from the evil troll. Polly’s appearance in the movie was short, but she was clearly the star of the show.
Aside from Polly’s tragic demise, this is not the scariest of Halloween flicks. But if you’re up for a cheesy 80’s flick (look for all the Stephen King movie references), Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye is worth a look.
This month’s movie is Payment on Demand.In this movie, Bette Davis stars as Joyce Ramsey, a woman whose social climbing nearly destroys her marriage. After she and her husband separate, Joyce goes on a cruise and visits her older friend Emily Hedges. After seeing the toll Emily’s divorce has taken (she is now an alcoholic living with a gigolo), Joyce decides to make amends with her husband.
Cooper didn’t much care about Joyce and her marital woes. She was all about the birds who belonged to Emily Hedges. A budgie (the STAR of the film) appears briefly. Also in the scene are a parrot and in the background is a large flight cage containing small birds. Perhaps finches, canaries or even budgies? It was too far away to tell. Cooper thought if divorce leads to an island home filled with birds, maybe Joyce should have given it a go.