Budgies on TV

I Dream of Jeannie.jeannie1Never Try to Outsmart a Jeannie: Season 1 (episode 19).jeannie2Tony must go on a trip to Rome. Jeannie wants to come along, but Tony says no. After some scheming, Tony relents. Jeannie can come along, but only if she can obtain a passport without magic.

Roger Healey tells Tony he’ll look after things while he is gone. He’ll check the mail, wash the car and look after Seymour the parakeet (the parakeet is really Roger’s). What Roger really wants is access to Jeannie and her magic. He has plans for  new furniture, golf clubs, a boat and a tv. While Seymour’s scene is brief, he is definitely the star of the show.

Full episode here.

Budgies on TV

Bewitched.bewitched1Ling Ling: season 1 (episode 21)bew2Samantha turns a Siamese cat into a model for Darrin’s new campaign. Of course, hilarity ensues. But who cares!  It’s all about Tweety the parakeet. Mrs. Kravitz, the neighborhood busybody (who can’t be all that bad – she has a budgie) puts Tweety out for a sun bath. When she finds an empty cage, she thinks that Tweety may have become a cat snack. Luckily, Tweety just flew away. With Samantha’s help, Tweety flies back into her cage, and all is well.

Full episode here.

Budgies on TV

The Andy Griffith Show.ag1Episode 1: “The New Housekeeper”ag2Dickie is little Opie Taylor’s pet parakeet. After misbehaving, Opie is sent to his room without supper. He sneaks a plate anyway, and then blames Dickie, who “loves” to eat fried chicken and biscuits with honey. Dickie escapes when Aunt Bee cleans his cage. This is the last straw for Opie, who sees Aunt Bee as an unwelcome addition to the family. Opie later has a change of heart, and the episode ends with Dickie finding his way home.

Apparently, Dickie is a modern bird who also enjoys Sanka coffee.