Paint Your Pet

Last Saturday our friends Kelle and John were in town. We went the Paint Your Pet class by Lovejoy Creations. We had a great time drinking (booze!) and painting. Our instructor, Lovejoy, was a great instructor – very positive and encouraging. Harry painted Cooper and I painted Dewey. Kelle and John painted their birds, Faust (budgie) and Cliff (cockatiel). Here are our masterpieces.

Now we only have 1 cockatiel and 8 more budgies to paint!

(I just had to change the color of Dewey in Photoshop, because he was the same color as Cooper)


This year we lost a dear friend, Frances Sondra Appleby. Sondra had a love for budgies and often commented on Cooper’s posts throughout the years (as Sondra, Ollie, SPBudgie, and/or SweetPea Budgie). She always had lovely things to say about the flock and was there to celebrate the good times and to offer support during the bad. Today would have been her 67th birthday. Even though we never met in person, we miss her dearly.
Here she is with her darling budgie, Sweet Pea, and with our budgies Alfie, Dewey, Gordie and Lera. I hope they are all together in paradise – happy and at peace.